Monday, September 22, 2008


After our "recess" (in which all three of us spent in separate rooms) the school day was much better.  By taking the time to cool off and let everyone energize in their own way I think I avoided major resentment issues.  If I had forced togetherness and forged ahead with the schedule I would have alienated the kids.  That's a big lesson for me: let go of the schedule and be flexible!  And, no mom, we don't need banana bread.  Darren recently joked that we seem to eat more banana muffins than actual bananas because we can't eat them in time.  I currently have a half a batch of banana chocolate chip muffins out on the counter and three more ripe bananas awaiting their fate in the freezer.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Yum! I'll take some chocolate chip banana bread!

Glad you're learning to "go with the flow," Jen. I know you are doing a great job parenting and teaching. Some of the lessons we teach aren't academic, but leave a longer lasting memory with our kids. Good for you for taking recess!