Wednesday, April 23, 2008


It has come to my attention that this is in fact my 99th post and yesterday's was only #98. Apparently my Blogger sign-in page counts drafts in the blog count, and I had failed to post 2 drafts. So here we are at #99 (pat on the back).
Can I just start a discussion of American Idol? I'm not sure what it is to "swoon", but I think I did it a little last night when David Cook sang "Music of the Night" from Phantom of the Opera. I was holding my breath during the entire performance, just waiting for him to crack, but he nailed it! And please, someone for the love of Pete, get Brooke White off of the stage. This process is too much for her, she can't handle the pressure any more! I'm not a fan to the degree that I actually vote for any of these people, but you may find a few downloads from David Cook on our computer. Does anyone else feel a little squeemish listening to "Jesus Christ Superstar"? Will Andrew Lloyd Webber receive a harsh judgement from God because he turned the gospel into a seventies disco rock opera?
Birthday countdown continues. We bought Jason's presents last night and have made a feeble attempt to hide them. I hope he doesn't snoop...


Sallie said...

Well, if Jason's anything like his mother and Uncle Jeff...

Do you want to hide them at Nanny's house?

Love, Nanny

Sallie said...

Can you believe Brooke was safe?????


John said...

David Cook really nailed it. I thought for sure he was going to mess up too. While you may want to drag Brooke off the stage, can we get the bus to please pick up Jason and send him back to Texas. He's clearly there for window dressing -- who remembers that this is a singing show?

Sallie said...

Jason is this season's Sanjaya. Get the hook!


Darren said...

Some people need to stretch their music boxes a tad! Don't let your eyes keep your ears from working. A guy grows some dreds and suddenly he's on par with Sanjaya?!

Sallie said...

It's not his locks I dread - it's his voice! He blew it big-time this week!

I am a big fan of the "Davids" - Cook and Archuleta.
